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From Scars to Strength: Trauma Therapy for Healing & Growth


At Quality Counseling of New England, we know that trauma might not be the main reason why you seek counseling but that trauma is often a part of our clients’ histories. You can choose to begin your work with us by engaging in trauma therapy or work on other pressing issues and then start trauma work. Research on Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), the trauma therapy we use, suggests you can start trauma work early in treatment, even if you just met your new therapist.

You might assume that trauma therapy is focused on just telling your story over and over again until you feel better or that you have to just get over it. But we use specific techniques in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) to help you recover and learn skills to help you maintain a more healthy approach to mental health after you complete the protocol. We guide you through the process so you aren’t left with vague suggestions on how to cope but instead develop a toolbox of skills you can turn to.

At Quality Counseling of New England, we believe that regardless of how deep your pain is, healing is possible. Our trauma therapy services are developed bearing in mind your individual needs and the objective of giving you treatment that will allow you to proceed with more confidence and hope. To begin your treatment, contact us now. Let us walk together on the path to regaining your life and enjoying a brighter future.

Reclaiming Peace: PTSD Treatment with Cognitive Processing Therapy at Quality Counseling of New England

Quality Counseling of New England specializes in helping people heal from trauma. Sometimes people can experience or witness a traumatic event (or a series of events) and heal without therapy. But often, people become stuck and have trouble making progress towards their recovery. Instead of moving past the difficult situation, they continue to suffer.

Through Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), we help clients become unstuck so that they can complete the healing process and reduce or eliminate PTSD symptoms and trauma-related symptoms. PTSD symptoms may include problems with sleep, concentration, or feeling positive emotions, feeling detached from others, or thinking you are to blame for what happened to you. You might try to avoid parts of your life to avoid remembering what happened and you might find yourself being reminded about what happened a lot.

CPT is a therapy protocol that is grounded in research and typically takes about 12 sessions. We focus on helping you move from stuck to unstuck in a matter of a weeks instead of remaining mired in pain. Working one-on-one with a skilled clinician, clients develop useful skills to deal with changes in mood and functioning that can happen in response to trauma.

If you or a person you love is suffering from PTSD, contact Quality Counseling of New England now to begin effective PTSD treatment.