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Navigate Relationship Challenges: Relationship Counseling For Your Side of the Story


Humans are complicated. So it makes sense having relationships with other people can be complicated too. At Quality Counseling of New England LLC, we believe the value of having interpersonal relationships is tremendous. But all too often fear, wounds from the past, miscommunication, and uncertainty get in the way of building and maintaining strong relationships. They may even interfere with your ability to have a joyful moment with an acquaintance. We offer interpersonal relationship counseling, a chance to overcome these barriers to connection.

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we work with our clients, one-on-one to help them identify what is working in their styles of relating to others and what is not working. Then we develop more effective strategies to improve relationships between our clients and the people they want to connect with.

Benefits of individual relationship counseling:

  • Enhanced self-knowledge: Discover your communication style, types of attachment, and how your emotional alarms mess with your relationships.
  • Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Learn the skills to deal with stress, anxiety, and the pains that might be influencing your relationship.
  • Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care: Develop flexible boundaries that allow you to let other people in and protect your own self interests
  • Process Past Events: Learn from the past (recent or distant) to gain perspective on more effective interpersonal strategies
  • Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem: Work on personal growth and self-compassion, creating a relationship with yourself and your loved ones based on true self-appreciation.

Embark on the journey of gaining more joy from your relationships by scheduling an individual relationship counseling session at Quality Counseling of New England LLC. Let us join you as you develop deeper connections, reduce conflict, and experience increased happiness in your social interactions.

Caught in a Toxic Relationship? Quality Counseling Can Help You Let Go And Heal

Relationships are supposed to give us joy, fellowship, and wisdom. Unfortunately, there are cases when we get involved in unhealthy and destructive relationships. At Quality Counseling of New England LLC, we understand the dynamics of these relationships and offer a hand to help you identify, avoid, and heal from them.

Some of the signs of a Toxic Relationship:

  • Criticism or belittling: Your companion calls you stupid or worthless
  • Controlling behavior: Your partner tries to limit your choices or you limit your choices to avoid conflict or to avoid getting them upset
  • Jealousy and possessiveness: Your partner expects you to limit who you see or dictates how you spend your time or tries to separate you from friends and family.
  • Emotional manipulation: Gaslighting, guilt, fear, or obligation play a role in your dynamic
  • Verbal or physical abuse: Signs of an abusive relationship include threats, humiliation, yelling, throwing things, and any form of violence.

If you observe those signs in your relationship, a Quality Counseling of New England LLC counselor can help you consider if you are in a toxic relationship or an abusive relationship. We can help you decide what changes to make if you want to reduce the negativity in your relationships, whether that includes leaving the relationship or making changes within it.

You deserve a healthy partnership. Call Quality Counseling of New England LLC today.